맑은내일 문의 제휴문의
담당자(회사명) | Sergei |
이메일 | s.afanasiev@winestyleonline.com |
연락처 | 010-541-5642 |
주소 |
제품명 | alcoholic beverages |
용량 | |
용기종류 | |
주원료 및 부원료 | |
원료제공 | |
포장자재 제공 | |
MOQ | |
문의내용 |
Dear Sir, Dear Madam,
My name is Sergei Afanasev. I am the import project manager for WINESTYLE.RU, the biggest and most famous Internet wine stores in Russia since 2010 with more than 3.000.000 visitors monthly. You can see our wide offer at our web page. We have business with the most significant importers and distributors on ‘just on time supply’ basis. We are focused on wine enthusiasts’ as well as B2C и B2B sales. Our business activity is not limited by WEB only. We also operate 24 wine shops in the most popular locations all around Moscow and develop WINESTYLE franchise in the regions of Russia. With the stock of 1000 products carefully selected to our customers’ taste. In 2019 we decided to expand our business by launching our own import project, offering something special to our clients. In two years our wine portfolio has grown from 10 to more than 100 wines, each of those has been carefully selected by us at blind tastings. Wine and spirits is a true passion for us. Our customers understand and appreciate high quality drinks made with great passion and attention to details. We are looking for suppliers who share the same philosophy. We follow the trends by getting statistics from our web page and feedback from thousands of clients. We see growing interest in typical and traditional Asian and, in particular, Korean products like soju, Korean beer etc. I appreciate your kind reply to my e-mail (s.afanasiev@winestyleonline.com) with your export price list, sales terms and conditions. If you have any questions or need more info about our company and business activities, do not hesitate to write or call by mobile 00 7 903 14049 53 or KakaoTalk (Sergei Afanasev W!ne) me directly any time. Best regards, -- Sergey Afanasev Import manager W!NESTYLE.RU Mob./Whatsapp 00 7 903 140 49 53 s.afanasiev@winestyleonline.com sergeaf1977@yandex.ru |